

本文已影响 1.25W人 


Maria Rios


Company: Nation Waste, Inc.

公司:垃圾处理公司Nation Waste

Age: 46


Rios is no stranger to hard work. She moved to the U.S. from El Salvador when she was a child. She graduated at the top of her high school class and raised a family while putting herself through college. She was not intimidated when she started Nation Waste Inc. At just 22, months after graduating from the University of Houston, she took out loans and purchased two trucks, jumping into the male-dominated waste-removal industry. Today, her Houston-based company has 24 full-time employees. "It is pretty amazing when I look back and see, I started as a little girl entering the United States with my parents and now I am truly living the American dream," says Rios.

里奥斯工作非常努力。她很小的时候就从萨尔瓦多来到了美国。以优异成绩从高中毕业后,她一边养家,一边读完大学。成立Nation Waste Inc.公司的时候,她并没有感到害怕。22岁的时候,里奥斯刚刚从休斯敦大学(the University of Houston)毕业几个月就贷款购买了两辆卡车,毅然投身由男性主导的垃圾处理行业。目前,这家位于休斯敦的公司有24名全职员工。里奥斯说:“回头看看过去的经历,总是让我感到吃惊。我很小的时候就跟着父母来到美国,现在我正在实现我的美国梦。”

Rose Wang


Company: Binary Group

公司:技术服务公司Binary Group

Age: 44


Wang studied computer programming while growing up in China. After college, she hoped to move to the U.S. to start her career. The next year, the Chinese Students Protection Act was passed and Wang got her master's in computer science at University of Houston. She worked at several Silicon Valley startups (and launched her own, ) until September 11, 2001. The attack inspired her to create Binary Group, a technology consulting company that works with the Federal Government. Over the past 16 years, Binary has helped its clients save piles of money -- like the Army 20th Support Command, which cut $60 million over five years for its satellite communication bandwidth requirements.

萝丝王在中国长大,在那里学会了计算机编程。大学毕业后,她希望到美国工作。第二年,《中国学生保护法案》(Chinese Students Protection Act)获得通过,萝丝王获得了休斯敦大学的计算机科学硕士学位。2001年9月11日之前,她曾在多家硅谷初创公司(包括成立自己的公司)工作。911事件让她产生了创办Binary Group的想法。Binary Group是一家与联邦政府合作的科技咨询公司。过去16年间,这家公司帮助客户节省的资金不计其数——比如美军第20支援司令部(Army 20th Support Command)就在五年时间内共节省了6,000万美元卫星通信带宽开支。

Sarah Collins


Company: (Wonderbag) Natural Balance

公司:(Wonderbag)Natural Balance公司

Age: 43


Collins grew up in rural, apartheid-era South Africa in the 1970s. Her childhood inspired her to focus on empowering women living below the poverty line through grassroots efforts. The Wonderbag, which was inspired by watching her grandmother cook with cushions, uses heat retention technology to cook food for 8-12 hours without the need for additional fuel. Collins witnessed the benefits African women received from using Wonderbags, reducing the amount of time they spent collecting firewood. For every bag sold, another is donated to a household in Africa, and in the past four years, the Wonderbags have found themselves in 600,000 African homes. Collins has launched the Wonderbag in the U.S. on Amazon, and hopes to sell the products via other retailers by 2014.


Sari Davidson


Company: BooginHead


Age: 39


In 2005, Davidson found herself constantly picking up sippy cups her one-year-old son Jake would toss to the ground. She went to Target, bought a sewing machine, and created the SippiGrip, a leash-like contraption for a sippy cup. Her entrepreneurial dreams were slowed, however -- she was recruited by Microsoft to join the HR team working with its X-Box Group. But in 2007, she launched the SippiGrip at a national trade show. Fortuitously, Target approached her to join its 2008 Parent Invented Products Program and today, Davidson's BooginHead line is sold by retailers like Walmart, Babies "R" Us, and .

2005年,戴维森发现自己总是得跟在一岁大的儿子杰克后面,收拾他随处乱扔的儿童吸管杯。于是,她从塔吉特(Target)上买了一台缝纫机,为儿童吸管杯设计出一个类似皮带的奇妙装置——SippiGrip。但她并没有很快实现自己的创业梦想——她加入了微软人力资源团队,与X-Box部门合作。2007年,她在全国性贸易展上推出了SippiGrip。幸运的是,塔吉特邀请她参加2008年父母发明产品计划。目前,戴维森的产品已经在沃尔玛(Walmart)、婴儿反斗城(Babies "R" Us)和亚马逊等零售商开卖。


