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7.A Flood


The best way to react to a severe flood situation is to do the exact opposite of what you would do in a tornado. In other words, seek the highest possible ground.


The inclination to run -- or drive -- away from rising flood waters is understandable, but it's also dangerous. As little as 6 inches (15 centimeters) of rising water can be enough to sweep a person off of his or her feet, while just 18 inches (46 centimeters) of rising water can carry a vehicle away.



Downed power lines from a hurricane or tsunami can still be live, leaving you one false move from being lit up like a firecracker on the Fourth of July. Hopping behind the wheel also poses its own set of hazards. Floodwaters may hide debris, potholes and other damage that could make roads impassable. If your car stalls, abandon it immediately and head for high ground.


essive Dogs


十种走为"下"策的危险情况(2) 第2张

Perhaps the best cure for a shy bladder is the sight of an aggressive dog barreling toward you at full tilt. If that doesn't make you question every decision you've made in your life, probably nothing will.


Though many people think certain breeds (like pit bulls and Rottweilers) are more aggressive than others, any dog can turn angry if surprised or threatened. A study of dog bite statistics from the 1980s to 2000s didn’t show any breed as being more dangerous than another. Whichever breeds happened to be most popular in a given period were the ones that showed up for most dog bites in that period.

尽管许多人会认为某些特定品种的狗,就像是比特犬(pit bull)和罗特韦尔犬(Rottweiler)之类的,比起其他类型的狗更为凶恶。其实一旦受到惊吓,任何种类的狗都会分分钟发怒,变成“恶犬”。一项研究统计了从20世纪80年代到21世纪初被狗咬伤的人口数量,数据表明,所有的狗其实都很危险。在某个特定时期最常见的那种狗往往会被认为是咬伤人的始作俑者。

What everyone agrees is that a person faced with a threatening canine shouldn't try to run away. Doing so may simply provoke the animal to attack. Plus, you're not going to be able to outrun it. Instead, cover your eyes and stand still. (Dogs take staring as a challenge; also, you'll want to protect your face). Try not to make any noise. Hopefully, the dog will take you for a tree or log and leave you alone.


5.A Rip Current


十种走为"下"策的危险情况(2) 第3张

Most people won't actually try to run away from a rip current; they probably hope to outswim it. An unexpectedly strong current that forms at low spots or breaks in a sandbar, a rip current can move at a speed of up to 8 feet (2.4 meters) per second. swimming toward shore might be your first move when a leisurely dip in the ocean is threatened by a powerful current channel, but it could also be your last.

事实上很多人遭遇离岸流(rip current)时不会想着要避开,而是希望能和这股水流一决高下。离岸流通常因低压产生的台风或是水流冲破海底的沙洲(sandbar)而形成,其速度可达到8英尺(2.4米)每秒。当你悠闲地在大海中尽情嬉戏时,不巧碰到这股强大的水流,你的第一个念头可能是快点游上岸,然而如果这样做了,这个“第一个念头”就可能会成为你的最后一个念头。

Experts say that the currents are tough to outswim, and those who try to do so may become fatigued (and risk drowning) before reaching dry land. Instead, swim parallel to the riptide. It's likely to be less than 100 feet (30 meters) wide. If that doesn't work, lie flat on your back and let the current take you away from shore until you've passed beyond it. Then try swimming around it or to shore.




十种走为"下"策的危险情况(2) 第4张

As in all the other emergency scenarios we've gone through so far, it's important to remain calm when the earth starts a-shakin'. If you're indoors, get away from windows, drop under a sturdy table, desk or other protective area and cover your head with a pillow. Failing that, go to an interior wall in the house and protect your head with a pillow.


If you're outside, move to an open area that's away from buildings, power lines and other potential hazards that could be knocked down during an earthquake. If you're driving, get your vehicle out of traffic and park it somewhere that's also clear of trees, signs, traffic signals and light posts if possible.


Whatever you do, just don't run. Most earthquake injuries occur when people are hit by falling objects while trying to enter or exit a building.


审校:王大 编辑:Freya然 校对:落花生



