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Numerous fans wait with bated breath for the next season of HBO's hit series Game of Thrones. While the episodes are rife with drama and suspense, not many people know that several of the events they watch are real historical occurrences. If you thought history was a long and boring drag, think again!

新一季HBO热播剧 《权力的游戏》在粉丝望眼欲穿的期盼中与大家见面了。该剧悬念迭起,情节极富戏剧性,所以没几位观众了解这部剧中很多情节来自于真切发生过的历史事件。知道真相的你,现在还会认为历史就像又长又臭的裹脚布嘛?

rey Was Real!



Boy-king Joffrey Lannister Baratheon has inspiRed the hatred of all those who watch him. A bastard in more ways than one, his sadistic side has manifested time and again in each episode, at times leading to the death beloved characters like Eddard Stark. While Joffrey does remind us of the Queen of Hearts ("Off with her head!"), there's another real historical character a lot like him. Edward of Lancaster was the son of King Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou. He shared Joffrey's penchant for lopping off the heads of his enemies and was also rumoured to be of illegitimate birth. At 13 years old, conversations with Edward would be filed with "cutting off heads or making war" according to the Ambassador of Milan. We'd trade real-life dragons for real-life Joffrey any day!

少年国王乔佛里·兰尼斯特·拜拉席恩(Joffrey Lannister Baratheon)刻薄寡恩,骄横跋扈,残忍无情,着实令人生恨。乔佛里是劳勃·拜拉席恩国王和瑟曦·兰尼斯特王后的长子,也是家族继承人,实际上他是瑟曦·兰尼斯特与孪生弟弟詹姆·兰尼斯特乱伦所生。他是个十足的施虐狂,平均每集都会直接或间接杀害一个大众喜爱的角色,比如北境守护艾德·史塔克(Eddard Stark)。乔佛里的所作所为很容易会让我们想起《爱丽斯梦游仙境》中残暴的红心女王,但是你知道吗?还有个真实存在的历史人物和乔佛里相似度很高哦。兰开斯特的爱德华(Edward of Lancaster)是英国国王亨利六世(Henry VI)和安茹的玛格丽特(Margaret of Anjou)的儿子。他和小说中的乔佛里一样喜欢砍掉敌人的头颅,并且有传言说他并非国王的亲生儿子而是玛格丽特与其他人的私生子。据米兰的大使回忆,在爱德华13岁那年,与他的对话都是围绕"砍头或发动战争"进行的。

so was Theon


《权利的游戏》里的10件真实历史事件(1) 第2张

Speaking of characters unfortunate enough to have been based off of real people, Theon Greyjoy is one of them. George Plantagenet, brother to Edward IV of York who was a real life Robb Stark, also turned on his family during the famous War of the Roses. He defected to the Lancasters (sound familiar?) and when the Yorks won the war, he was killed. At the start of the HBO series, many had mixed feelings for the Stark ward. This mostly changed to pity when his manhood was taken away. Chopped off. All unately, his real life counterpart didn't have endure that and was merely drowned in wine as punishment for his treason..

说到由真人真事改编的不幸人物,就不得不提席恩·葛雷乔伊。现实生活中,和他相似的乔治·金雀花(George Plantagenet)是约克的爱德华四世(现实生活中的罗柏·史塔克)的弟弟。他和剧中的席恩一样在著名的玫瑰战争中与家人和好。战争中,他投奔到了兰开斯特家族(听起来有没有很熟悉呢?)。约克斯(Yorks)赢得战争后,他就被杀害了。HBO《权力的游戏》系列电视剧刚开始的时候,许多人对史塔克的病房感慨万千。当看到他的男性象征被阉割时,观众大都感到十分遗憾。要知道史塔克的男性象征被切得干干净净,一丁点也不剩!幸运的是,现实生活中他的原型(爱德华四世)并没有遭受这一磨难,而对他叛逆的处罚,据说也只是被淹死在酒桶里……

Red Wedding


《权利的游戏》里的10件真实历史事件(1) 第3张

The infamous scene dubbed "The Red Wedding" featured series favourite Robb Stark brutally murdered along with his mother, wife, and unborn child. All this was done at a feast in which they were the honoured guests, orchestrated by none other than the host himself, Argus Filch Walder Frey. The scene was based off of real events from history, namely the Black Dinner and the Glencoe Massacre. The former saw the execution of William and David Douglas (the Douglas clan were enemies of the boy-king of Scotland). The King invited them to a feast, supposedly to make peace. At the end of the feast, they were dragged into the courtyard and killed. The latter saw the Campbells also violating hospitality laws when they butchered every MacDonald clan member while they slept in their beds. To this day, Glencoe inns have "NO CAMPBELLS ALLOWED" signage. The North remembers!

被称作"血色婚礼"的这个臭名昭著的场景,讲述了全剧最受欢迎的人物之一罗柏·史塔克与其妻其母以及尚未出世的孩子一起被谋害的残忍经过。 事件发生于一场婚宴上,史塔克一行作为贵宾出席,整个谋杀经过即是宴会主人瓦德·佛雷一手策划而为。血色婚礼来源于"黑色晚餐"和"格伦科大屠杀"这两个历史典故。"黑色晚餐"事件中讲述了威廉与大卫·道格拉斯被处决的惨状。(道格拉斯氏族曾是苏格兰幼年国王的敌人)苏格兰国王表面上为了促进和平而设宴并邀请道格拉斯氏族做客,但是到了晚宴结束时,道格拉斯一族被拉进城堡广场就地处决。"格伦科大屠杀"事件里坎贝尔氏族同样也是违背了热情好客的传统,即他们在麦克唐纳家族熟睡之时将其一一屠杀。直到今日,名为格伦科的饭店都会做一幅写有"无坎贝尔允许"字样的标牌。尤其是北方人对这件事更加记忆犹新。

审校:烟囱 编辑:Freya然



