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Uzbekistan named its new president and Kazakhstan and Armenia replaced their prime ministers yesterday in the biggest political shake-up in post-Soviet central Asia in years.


A joint session of the upper and lower houses of Uzbekistan’s parliament named Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who has been the country’s prime minister since 2003, as acting president following the death last week of Islam Karimov, who had ruled central Asia’s most populous nation since before its independence from the Soviet Union.

乌兹别克斯坦最高会议立法院和参议院联席会议决定,任命自2003年以来担任总理的沙夫卡特•米尔济约耶夫(Shavkat Mirziyoyev,上图)为代总统。在乌兹别克斯坦从苏联独立出来以前就开始担任总统的伊斯兰•卡里莫夫(Islam Karimov)已于上周去世。乌兹别克斯坦是中亚人口最多的国家。

Separately, Nursultan Nazarbayev, who also has ruled neighbouring Kazakhstan since Soviet times, initiated the first big reshuffle of his government in more than two years by dismissing prime minister removing Karim Massimov as prime minister and appointing him head of the security services.

在邻国哈萨克斯坦,也是从苏联时期就开始掌权的努尔苏丹•纳扎尔巴耶夫(Nursultan Nazarbayev)启动了两年多来首次政府大改组,解除了卡里姆•马西莫夫(Karim Massimov)总理职务,任命他为国家安全委员会主席。

And in Armenia, prime minister Hovik Abrahamyan resigned in the face of widespread popular dissatisfaction with the government.

而在亚美尼亚,面对民众对政府的普遍不满,总理奥维克•阿布拉米扬(Hovik Abrahamyan)主动辞职。

This week we have seen a series of events that demonstrate that the regional politics is very much in flux, said Luca Anceschi, a lecturer in central Asian studies at the University of Glasgow.

本周我们见证了一系列事件,它们表明本地区政治局势极为动荡不定,格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)中亚研究讲师卢卡•安切斯基(Luca Anceschi)表示。

The leadership changes come as the region suffers its worst economic downturn in two decades.


The International Monetary Fund anticipates growth in the region will fall to just 1.2 per cent this year after averaging 8.3 per cent between 2000 and 2014, on the back of lower commodity prices and recession in Russia.


In Uzbekistan, the choice of Mr Mirziyoyev as acting president ahead of elections to be held later this year will be interpreted as a clear sign that he has been selected by the country’s elites as Karimov’s successor.


Under Uzbekistan’s constitution, in case if the president dies or becomes incapacitated, the presidency should pass to the chairman of the senate.


But Nigmatulla Yuldashev, the little-known figure who holds that role, nominated Mr Mirziyoyev to take over in view of his many years of experience in government and the respect in which he is held by the population, according to a statement from the Uzbek senate said.

但是,根据乌兹别克斯坦参议院的声明,名气不大的参议院主席尼格马图拉•尤尔达舍夫(Nigmatulla Yuldashev)提议,鉴于米尔济约耶夫在政府有多年工作经验以及饱受国民爱戴,由其代理总统职务。

Mr Mirziyoyev was widely considered the favourite to become the next Uzbek president and was master of ceremonies at Karimov’s funeral last Saturday.


This week, he has been the most visible member of the country’s elite, meeting Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, as well as a senior Boeing executive.

本周他成为该国出镜率最高的高层政治人物:与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)会面,并接见了波音(Boeing)的一名高管。

The reshuffle of the Kazakh government comes as the country central Asia’s largest economy, and a significant oil producer, is also preparing for its first ever transition of power.


Mr Nazarbayev, 76, has announced no plans for a successor, but analysts believe the country’s elites are already manoeuvring for position.


Livia Paggi, a specialist on the region at risk consultancy GPW, said the main beneficiary of Mr Massimov’s dismissal appeared to be Dariga Nazarbayeva, the president’s daughter and deputy prime minister.

风险咨询机构GPW的中亚地区专家利维娅•帕吉(Livia Paggi)称,马西莫夫卸任总理的主要受益人似乎是总统之女、副总理达丽加•纳扎尔巴耶夫(Dariga Nazarbayeva)。

The removal of Massimov seems to suggest that Dariga is still in the game as a potential successor. she said.


Mr Massimov’s removal comes after the Kazakh government was rattled by a rare wave of protest earlier this year.


The government has also warned of a growing terrorist threat following a shootout between gunmen and police in the western city of Aktobe.


The appointment of Mr Massimov, who is seen as a competent manager, to head the Kazakh security services might also be an attempt to insure against unrest during a future presidential transition, analysts said.


The reshuffle of the government should be seen not only in terms of today’s politics but also in terms of tomorrow’s power transfer, Mr Anceschi said. Whatever you think of the Uzbek transition, it was orderly.


I think that this sense of order and cohesion within the elite might have appealed to someone at the top of Kazakhstani politics.


In Armenia, Mr Abrahamyan’s resignation was widely anticipated ahead of parliamentary elections next year.


There were mass protests in the capital Yerevan this summer amid an economic slowdown and tensions over the government’s handling of a flare-up in fighting with Azerbaijan over the mountainous enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh earlier this year.



