
民事法律 ( c )

本文已影响 2.82W人 
( c )

财产担保 property guarantee
财产分割 partition; dismemberment of property
财团法人 legal body of financial group
采矿权 mining ownership
产品瑕疵 defect of product

撤销权 right of claiming cancellation
承包经营权 right to contracted management
承认权 right of admission
诚实信用原则 principle of good faith
乘人之危 taking advantage of others’ precarious position

程序法 procedural law
驰名商标 reputed trademark
处分权 right of disposing; jus dispodendi
创造性 creativity
创作 creation

次代理 subagency
从民事法律行为 accessory civil legal act
从债 accessory obligation

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