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John Flammang Schrank (1876 - September 16, 1943) was a saloon-keeper from New York, best known for his attempt to assassinate former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt on October 14, 1912 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Schrank was born in Bavaria. He emigrated to America at the age of 3. His parents died soon after, and Schrank came to work for his uncle, a New York tavern owner and landlord. Upon their deaths, Schrank's aunt and uncle left him these valuable properties, from which it was expected he could live a quiet and peaceful life. But Schrank was heartbroken, having now lost not only his second set of parents, but his first and only girlfriend, Emily Ziegler, had died in the General Slocum disaster on New York's East River.

Schrank sold the properties, and drifted around the East Coast for years. He became profoundly religious, and a fluent Bible scholar whose debating skills were well-known around his neighborhood's watering holes and public parks. He wrote spare and vivid poetry. He spent a great deal of time walking around city streets at night. He caused no documented trouble.


John Flammang Schrank(1876年- 1943年9月16日)是纽约的一个酒馆老板,他最想暗杀于1912年10月14日在维斯康新洲米尔沃基刺杀美国前总统西奥多罗斯福的企图让他一夜成名。

Schrank出生于巴伐利亚。他3岁的时候移居美国。他的父母去世后不久,Schrank为他的叔叔工作,他叔叔是纽约一家酒馆的老板和业主。他们的死后,Schrank的阿姨和叔叔给他留下这些宝贵的财产,足够让他过上平静安宁的生活。但施兰克伤心欲绝,不仅因为失去了第二盘的父母,而且他的第一个也是唯一的女朋友,Emily Ziegler在纽约东河灾难中丧生。



