
态度: 俄罗斯选择孤立 中国选择融合

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态度: 俄罗斯选择孤立 中国选择融合

China gets it. Russia doesn't.


For now, Vladimir Putin appears to be outsmarting the West. The Group of Seven nations called on Russia Wednesday to 'cease all efforts to annex Crimea' and condemned its 'unprovoked violation of Ukraine's sovereignty.' But there was no sign of real, meaningful sanctions. And that's because Europe--for now--needs Russia's gas.

暂时而言,俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)现在似乎比西方国家技高一筹。七大工业国(Group of Seven)周三呼吁俄罗斯停止一切吞并克里米亚的努力,并谴责俄罗斯无故侵犯乌克兰主权的行为。但没有迹象显示俄罗斯将真正受到有实质意义的制裁。原因在于欧洲目前需要俄罗斯的天然气。

The good news is that future Russian presidents will find it harder to follow in Mr. Putin's footsteps. In due time, capacity improvements in world energy markets will erode Russia's ability to use its mammoth supplies of natural gas to hold its neighbors hostage. Russia will eventually have to join, rather fight against, the modern global economy. It's as if the protesters who ousted Ukraine's Russia-leaning President, Viktor Yanukovych, moved a few years too early.

好消息是,俄罗斯未来的总统将发现他们很难追随普京的脚步。在未来的某个时间,全球能源市场产能的提高将削弱俄罗斯利用其庞大天然气供应来挟持邻国的能力。俄罗斯最终将不得不加入现代全球经济,而不是与之对抗。只不过那些抗议者推翻乌克兰亲俄罗斯总统亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovych)的时间或许稍微早了几年。

By contrast, policymakers in that other former communist power seem to understand that the world is changing and that their economy's standing hinges upon integration rather than isolation. China is hardly a model international citizen--it engages in restrictive trade practices, cyber-spying and saber-rattling over regional territorial claims. But at least some key officials--notably People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan--are deliberately setting a path of liberalization that will eventually compel their country to fall in line with international norms.


This week, Mr. Zhou announced that interest rate policy would be fully liberalized in one to two years and that a fully floating, convertible yuan wouldn't be far behind. His comments didn't grab headlines in the way that Mr. Putin's troop maneuvers in Crimea did. But these actions will generate market pressures that will drive further political and economic reform in China, shifting it toward a more market-driven and consumer-focused economy to the benefit of its own citizens and those of rest of the world.


Once China removes a cap on deposit rates and forces banks to compete for savings, the artificially cheap borrowing rates that have propped up thousands of inefficient government-connected enterprises and allowed them to flood the world with cheap goods will have to be phased out. Next, as local banks' profit margins shrink, the government will need to fully open up the Chinese capital account. This will bring welcome cheap foreign capital into the economy, but it will also radically shake up the hitherto cloistered Chinese financial system. The end result will be a wholesale restructuring of the Chinese economy, which in turn will test the viability of a centrally planned system and the Communist Party apparatus that has thrived off it. Big changes are afoot.


These are incredibly bold moves in China. But they are also realistic and pragmatic. With financial innovations --digital currencies, for example--making it ever harder to shut out world economic forces, Beijing knows it can't swim against the tide. The evolving Chinese model recognizes that in the 21st century, true power comes from a nation's ability to harness the innovative drive of global competition. In Russia, by contrast, power is seen as a function of military might and control of natural resources.


But this model of power is at the mercy of changes in the rest of the world's energy capacity. Just look at Venezuela, which for many years used its oil monopoly to cajole Latin American states into defying the liberal economic prescriptions of the Washington Consensus. With technological advances now allowing the U.S. to extract ever growing amounts of domestic shale oil and gas, Venezuela's influence is rapidly waning. Not coincidentally, it is now gripped by a roiling financial and political crisis, with inflation hitting 56%.

但这种力量模式受制于世界其他地方能源产能的变化。委内瑞拉就是一个例子。该国多年来利用其原油垄断地位诱使拉美国家反对“华盛顿共识”(Washington Consensus)提出的自由经济政策。现在,技术进步令美国得以在本土开采越来越多的页岩油气,委内瑞拉的影响力正迅速减弱。同时委内瑞拉现在正陷入一场动荡的金融和政治危机,通胀率高达56%,这绝非偶然。

For now, Russia is avoiding such a fate. The E.U.'s hands are tied so long as it needs Russian gas to keep the power on. The U.K. foreign secretary's suggestion this week that the E.U. will purchase more gas from the U.S. wasn't much of a threat while the infrastructure needed to get liquefied natural gas across the Atlantic is still lacking. The best anyone could suggest was Poland's idea that E.U. member countries pool their bargaining power and jointly negotiate gas contracts with Russia.


But Russia's belligerence in Ukraine will inspire an acceleration in the upgrade of production infrastructure elsewhere. What better reason to open up hydraulic fracturing, or fracking -- the technology behind the U.S. shale revolution -- in hitherto inaccessible gas fields in Eastern Europe and the U.K.? And there's now greater incentive to build the liquefaction and re-gasification plants, along with the shipping ports and vessels, that will transport U.S. LNG into Europe's power generation plants.


Such advances could quickly challenge Russia's closed model of economic and political power. With energy export revenues shrinking, speculators would attack the ruble, eventually running Moscow's sizable foreign-currency reserves dry and forcing a depreciation that provokes defaults by Russian companies on their dollar-based loans. Much like 1998, wealthy Russians would again flee into dollars, euros or pounds, and inflation would return along with economic and political chaos.


These changes won't happen overnight. But this is exactly the path that Mr. Putin is laying out.



