
学英语环游世界 第434期:用英语聊天5分钟

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1. It’s such a Nice day today, isn’t it?天气真好,是吧?

学英语环游世界 第434期:用英语聊天5分钟

2. It’s getting colder and colder recently. I don’t like winter!最近天气渐渐变冷了,我不喜欢冬天!

3. I really like your watch. Where did you buy it?你的手錶很好看我很喜欢!在哪裡买的阿?

4. Nice shoes! Did you buy them in Japan?好好看的鞋子!你在日本买的吗?

5. The hat looks really good on you.这帽子真的很适合你耶!

6. Our boxing lesson is really hard, don’t you think?我们的拳击课真的很难耶,你不觉得吗?

7. The new treadmill machine is quite nice.这新的跑步机相当不错!

8. Sometimes I use the sauna at the gym and it feels really good.我有时候会使用健身房裡的桑拿室,感觉还不赖。

9. I have been to your country before. I thought the food was absolutely amazing.我之前有去过你的家乡,我觉得那边的食物也太惊人的好吃了吧![情境:在某个party场合上]

10. What brought you here?你怎麽在这裡?/有什麽风把你吹来了?

11. Do you know about the new show on Discovery Channel called “Naked and Afraid”?你知道Discovery频道最近有一个叫“Naked and Afraid”的新节目吗?

12. What do you think about the protest in Hong Kong?你对香港的抗议事件有什麽想法?

13. Do you like Taiwanese food?你喜欢台湾的食物吗?

14. What kind of food do you normally eat back home?你在家乡都吃什麽样的食物呢?

15. Have you ever tried eating stinky tofu?你有吃过臭豆腐吗?


