
口语课堂第75期:大嘴巴 泄露秘密

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padding-bottom: 100%;">口语课堂第75期:大嘴巴---泄露秘密

Let the cat out of the bag: (无意中)泄露秘密 make known a secret, usually without realizing what you are doing

'who let the cat out of the bag?'
'I'm afraid I did. I thought everybody already known.'

Nobody knew she had been offered the job until her husband let the cat out of the bag. 直到她丈夫无意中说漏了嘴,大家才知道原来这份工作已给了她.

口语课堂第75期:大嘴巴---泄露秘密 第2张

Let slip sth: give sb information that is supposed to be secret 说漏嘴,泄露秘密

She tried not to let slip what she knew. 她小心翼翼地保守着她所知道秘密.

Spill the beans: tell sb sth that should be kept secret or private 泄露秘密,说漏嘴

We were trying to keep it a secret from Pete, but Jessica spilled the beans. 我们尽力不让皮特知道这个秘密,可是杰西卡给说漏了嘴.

Come on, spill the beans! What did your father say? 快说吧,别保密了!你父亲都说了什么了?



