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-Hey, aunt Gaby, need your car washed? 嗨,Gaby阿姨,需要洗车吗?
-Oh, I'm aunt Gaby, now. Let me guess. You want something. 哦,我成了Gaby阿姨了。我猜猜,你想要什么?
-Well, there is a party tomorrow night. 恩,明天晚上有个派对。
-Really. Ok, you can go. 是吗,好吧,让你去。
-Seriously? 真的?
-Well, if you can make an effort around here, then I guess I can too. Just be home by ten. 既然你愿意努力付出,我想我也可以。记得十点钟之前回来。
-Yeah, that's the thing. The party doesn't start till 11. 额~~~问题出在这儿。派对要到十一点才开始。
-What kind of party starts at 11? 什么派对十一点才开始?
-This new dance club is opening downtown, and it is like the hottest thing ever. Everybody's going. 镇上新开了一家舞厅,现在特别火,每个人都会去的。
-Not everybody. It's a school night and you know the rules. Thank you for washing the car. 不包括你。学校有课的日子,你知道家里的规矩。谢谢你帮忙擦车。
-Well, she's quite the charmer. 这丫头真厉害。
-Do you see what I'm dealing with? I mean, Carlos and I basically took her off the street. You'd think she'd be grateful. But every day is a battle. I don't know how to get through to her. 你看到了吧,Carlos和我收留了无家可归的她,本来她应该对我们感激涕零才对。现在每天都像打仗一样,我都不知道该怎么跟她沟通。
-Teenage girls--they're the best reason for not having kids. Thank god, Roy had a vasectomy. 小女孩啊,这就是不要孩子的好处。谢天谢地,Roy已经结扎了。


take off就是离开,带走的意思,那么‘把她带离大街’就是‘收留她’ 的意思。

get through to原来的意思是‘使某人明白’,在这里可以作‘沟通’解。



-Don't worry about us. Everything's fine here. Good night, Ana. Oh, sorry. 别担心我们,我们挺好的。晚安,Ana。哦,抱歉。
-Ana paid me five dollars. Ana给了我五块钱。
-Oh, hey, muscle. I need a lift. Oh, hey, hand, hand, hand. 哦,嗨,肌肉男,举一下我。嗨,手,规矩点。
-Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt, but can I have your attention please? Ok, hi, my niece is somewhere in this building. She's got brown hair, gold leggings and cream top which she took from my closet. So if you could just look around and point her out? 抱歉打扰一下,大家能不能听我说一句?好了,我的外甥女就在你们之中。她褐色的头发,穿着金色的紧身裤和米色的上衣,都是从我衣橱里拿的。能不能麻烦你们 四处看看把她找出来?
-Hey, hey, this is important, Ok. She's only sixteen and she came here even though she knew she wasn't suppose to. 嗨,嗨,要知道她才十六岁,这种地方她不该来的。
-Hi, hi, hi. Either you find my niece or I will call the cops with their drug sniffing dogs. 嗨,嗨,嗨。你们自己选择,要不你们帮我把她找出来,要不我就叫警察带他们的缉毒犬来这里遛遛。
-Stop, put me down. Get your hands off me. What are you doing? 住手,放我下来,拿开你的手,你们在干嘛?
-Thank you, everybody. I told you not to mess with me. 谢谢大家。我说过了,别给我惹事儿。
-I can not keep doing this, Ana. Ana,我不想再这样下去了。
-So, what? You gonna throw me out? Fine, you'd actually be doing me a favour. I can take care of myself. 那又如何?你要把我赶出去?没关系,你把我赶出去只有好。我可以自己照顾自己。
-You are sixteen. How exactly are you gonna make money? 你才十六岁。你准备怎么赚钱养活自己?
-I'm...I'm gonna be a model. 我......我可以去当模特。
-A model? 当模特?
-Yeah, you know, people tell me that I'm pretty enough. I will just go to Paris or New York and I'll get discovered. And I will be rich and famous and no one will ever tell me what to do again. 对,人家说我很漂亮,做模特绰绰有余。我去巴黎,去纽约,我会一举成名。等我有钱了,出名了,就没有能对我指手画脚了。
-And you really think it's that easy to become a model. 你以为做模特是那么容易的事情?
-It was for you. You left home when you were only fifteen. 你做模特就很容易啊。你当年离家才15岁。
-I left because I had to. My stepfather a nice man. My mother didn't care about me. 我当年是迫不得已。我的继父他......不是好人,我妈妈不管我。
-My father left when I was three and my mother's been in and out of prison ever since. I can beat you at this game. 我爸爸在我三岁的时候就走了,我妈妈是监狱的常客。这方面我跟你有得一比吧。
-This is not a game, Ana. This is your life. 这不是闹着玩,Ana,这是你的人生。
-You can't scare me, all right? And I don't stay where I'm not wanted. 别吓唬我,行不行?再说,别人嫌弃我,我也不会死皮赖脸地住在这儿。
-Oh,don't give me that. We feed you. We put a roof over your head. 得了,别来这套。我们供你吃,供你住。
-And you're also keeping all your options open. Yeah, I heard. 所以你到现在还‘不做选择’,是吧。对,我听到了。
-No more options. I'm now officially your guardian.  没有选择了,我现在是你的法定监护人。
-So... What? I'm supposed to hug you now? 那又怎么样?你要我感动地拥抱你?
-No,you're not gonna want to hug me, because from here on out, I am gonna be watching you like a hawk. I wanna know where you are going, who you are going with, and when you are coming home. And I'm gonna keep you from ruining that life you are so anxious to start living. 不,你不会的。因为从现在开始,我就会牢牢地看着你。你上哪儿去、和谁一起、什么时候回家,我都要知道。我不能让你美好的人生还没开始就被白白地糟蹋了。
-You are so mean. 你真刻薄。
-Yeah. And I wish...I one had been this mean to me when I was your age. 没错。我多么希望,我多么希望我在你这个年龄的时候,也有人这么刻薄地对我。  



drug sniffing dogs是警察的缉毒犬,因为在美国这种舞会一般都有不合法的情况存在,而如果里面又都是未成年人,问题就比较严重了。所以Gaby就拿这个来要挟他们。

mess with这个词组的意思是to deceive someone or cause trouble for them,也就是惹是生非。

keep your options open是‘不做选择’的意思。在上一期的视频里面,Carlos想劝说Gaby正式收养Ana,但是鉴于Ana的不良表现,Gaby说Until I see a change in her behavior, I'm keeping all my options open. (在她有所改过之前,我不做任何选择。)而这句话恰巧被Ana听到了,在Ana看来,Gaby就是嫌弃她,不愿意接受她作为家里的一份子。

from here on out就是‘从现在开始’的意思。

watch somebody like a hawk: hawk本来就是那种大鸟,像鹰啊,枭啊什么的。雄鹰一般总是站在高处俯视下面的动静,所以这个词组就是‘牢牢地看着某人’

And I'm gonna keep you from ruining that life you are so anxious to start living.

这 句话,我们知道live a life是‘生活’的意思,而anxious在这里的意思是feeling strongly that you want to do something or want something to happen,所以她说,我不能让你毁了你的生活,什么样的生活呢?是你急切地想要开始的生活。


