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- I had a feeling that my Melolontha melolontha might hatch this morning, so I came in at the crack of dawn, and there they were, lined up at the door.  
- What, your Melolontha melolontha?
- No. The Woodchucks.
Melolontha melolontha 大栗鳃角金龟
at the crack of dawn 【习语】天刚亮 at the earliest light of the day
woodchuck 土拨鼠

dawn是指早上的晨曦,crack则是裂缝的意思,at the crack of dawn也就是“破晓”了。

Apparently, you're their role model.
role model 榜样

These ladies- they are pros.
pro 专业人员
Totally. 那群小姑娘真能干!

Perhaps you should throw them a bone. Not literally. Metaphorically.
throw them a bone 给点小恩小惠
Cam作为boss果然了解Brennan啊,当下就跟她说不要字面去理解“扔骨头”的意思,这只是一个比喻,因为Brennan的确有这毛病哈~~那么扔给某人一根骨头作为俚语是什么意思呢?如果扔给一只饿狗一根光溜溜的骨头,它当然会很开心,但却不会填饱肚子。那么throw someone a bone就是给人一点儿表面上的小恩小惠,也就是让人家面子上好看,心理上好过,没什么实质的好处的。

Boo! But we helped! 
boo 嘘声,喝倒彩

- But if I were going to combine human and animal DNA with an eye toward creating a super soldier, I'd go with a flatworm.  
- Why?  
- Self-regeneration, obviously.  
- People! Let's break this down as though we aren't in a comic book.
break down 放弃,免谈

Getting a hit off of Angela's chicken man picture. 
hit off 描摹画

- Wow. Is Angela good, or is she good?  
- Those are the same question. 



Save a chicken! Fry a worker! Cluck you! Cluck you! Close down Clucksten! 
Cluck 咯咯叫

He said he was a chicken farmer, and he'd take the consequences.
take the consequences 承担后果
I was ing you in the loop.
keep someone in the loop 将某人设定为候选人 To furnish someone with sufficient relevant information and include them in the decision-making process.

How do they fight when they're penned up? 
pen up 关起(牲口、禽类)

I want to save this little piglet.
piglet 小猪

And Bones is going to want me to take her side.
take one's side 支持某人

Uh, well, you had a falling out with your best friend over a pig. 
fall out 争执,吵架

Around here we step in for each other as needed. 
step in 插手帮忙

Hey, crazy thought- what if, this time, you were the one who came around? 
crazy thought 异想天开
come around 复醒,复原

If life were simply a debate, you would win, hands down, but we know that it isn't a debate. It's something much tougher. You know, our very work shows us that, that those people that call the world an abattoir- a slaughterhouse- they have a point. Now, you handle that knowledge by imposing this gossamer web of rationality over the ugliness. Angela has a very different way of handling. Sometimes you don't save the world, Dr. Brennan. Sometimes you just make your friend happy.
hands down 唾手可得

The Jeffersonian will reimburse you if it is.
reimburse 付还,偿还,赔偿

Eight years I worked at that hellhole.
hellhole 烂地方,让人不舒服的场所 A place of extreme wretchedness or squalor.

I'm not up to speed here. I woke up this morning and I realized that I didn't even know if I like brown sugar on my oatmeal.
up to speed 全速,引申表示以最好的状态
brown sugar 红糖
oatmeal 燕麦粥

一直知道black tea是红茶,但是居然一直不知道红糖是brown sugar诶~~
太甜蜜的ending scene啦!

Sweets thinks that I should humor Angela.
humor 迁就

Bones 5.06观后感
   1. Bones is back! AGAIN!! Thank God some baseball match is over, finally... Bunches of FOX's shows...
   2. OK,Angela & Wendell? Very cute. But we all know it won't last. Period.
   3. (柒今儿吃错药了啊猛开英文……)屠宰场是否不人道呢?深究的话,人类当初或许就不该直立行走,学会使用工具……我们现在只能够减少不必要的屠杀,并且放低身段,不要以地球主宰的姿态来对待自然与生命。(BBC新出的纪录片Life,某柒强烈推荐!!)
   4. 拍桌子感叹B&B的戏份怎能如此甜蜜……好较,他们俩这都还没在一起哪!好吧,都跟老夫老妻似的的~~~
   5. 下集预告,Booth被Bone Boo了?!期待Gordon-gordon~~耶!!点此看预告>>




